An experience design project to encourage the general public in coral conservation


リードデザイナーは東京大学DLXデザインラボの左右田智美で、DIDのKEIO-NUS CUTEセンターのご好意によりNUSに滞在した際に作られました。このプロジェクトはNUSのTMSIのサンゴ保全研究活動、特にDr. Toh Tai ChongとMs. Sam Shu Qinの研究活動から情報を得て、インスピレーションを得ています。 Design EngineerはDLX Design LabのHemal Diazです。 このプロジェクトは、 東京大学潮田記念基金の寄付金により支援されています。


WIRED Creative Hack Award 2023 グランプリ
D&AD 2023 Future Impact shortlist

Coral reefs are home to 25% of marine species, and global cooperative conservation is needed to ensure their long-term preservation. The project’s aim is to encourage the general public to engage in coral conservation, thereby contributing to maintaining marine biodiversity both now and in the future. This will be achieved through a mixture of design artifacts and activities, enabling us to reach a wide range of people. We have designed a self-growing coral kit (which would be publicly accessible) that enables anyone to cultivate coral at home. Once the home-grown coral reaches an appropriate size, it can be returned to the sea by experienced divers. We have also developed a workshop format to educate people about the issues and encourage engagement. Our goal is to boost coral reef protection by designing the development of novel coral growth methods and disseminating them to a wider scientific community and the public. We are planning to implement the global educational program to learn and generate ideas for coral growth for high school students in Tokyo and Richmond, in the United States.

A collaborative project between The Division of Industrial Design (DID) under College of Design and Engineering as well as the Tropical Marine Science Institute (TMSI) of the National University of Singapore (NUS) and DLX Design Lab, Institute of Industrial Science, The University of Tokyo (UTokyo). The lead designer researcher is Tomomi Sayuda from the DLX Design Lab, at UTokyo who has been kindly hosted at NUS by the DID and the Keio-NUS CUTE Center. The project has been informed and inspired by the coral conservation research activities of TMSI at NUS, in particular those undertaken by Dr Toh Tai Chong and Ms Sam Shu Qin.

The projects are kindly supported by: UTokyo Ushioda Foundation.


WIRED Creative Hack Award 2023 Grand Prix
D&AD 2023 Future Impact shortlist


Lead Design Researcher: Tomomi Sayuda, DLX Design Lab at Institute of Industrial Science, The University of Tokyo

Design Engineer: Hemal Diaz, DLX Design Lab at Institute of Industrial Science, The University of Tokyo

Science Researcher: Dr Toh Tai Chong, Sam Shu Qin, The Tropical Marine Science Institute, The National University of Singapore.

Project Advisor: Miles Pennington, DLX Design Lab at Institute of Industrial Science, The University of Tokyo, Yen Chung Chang, the Division of Industrial Design, the College of Design Engineering, and the Keio-NUS CUTE Center at The National University of Singapore.