Imagining future robots by understanding the latest science research tech

Tomomi joined workshop experience design, tool design and facilitation of RE : THINKING THE ROBOT creative workshop at Royal College of Art + Institute of Industrial Science(IIS) at the University of Tokyo, Design Lab Tokyo.

This design-thinking workshop invites participants to think about what is the new technologies promise a societal shift where robots will become part of our daily lives.

Be inspired by cutting-edge research from the University of Tokyo, including biomimetic machine mechanics, “BioLikeness” of robots, fundamental vision theories and breakthroughs in high speed robotics.

Experience design-thinking methods and processes for ideation and rough prototyping. Rethink the robot: its function, appearance, interaction, and role in society. Imagine the unimaginable.

This workshop has been deployed at University of Tokyo New York Office after the successes at Tokyo.

左右田は出身校である英国王立美術大学院と、東京大学生産技術研究所の共同デザインラボ東京で行われた、RE : THINKING THE ROBOT(ロボットを考え直す)ワークショップデザインとそこで使用するツールのデザイン、ファシリテーションに携わりました。







Professor & Workshop Director
Miles Pennington

Workshop Designer & Facilitator
Christian Felsner
Tomomi Sayuda

Workshop tool design
Tomomi Sayuda


RCA x IIS Design Lab Tokyo ( Design Lab of Royal College of Art + Institute of Industrial Science, The University of Tokyo) 英国王立美術大学院+ 東京大学生産技術研究所 デザインラボ東京